
Wednesday, April 2, 2008

China Provides Iran's Nuclear Secrets to UN

The Daily Telegraph reported this morning that China has provided IAEA inspectors with intelligence on Iran’s nuclear weapon program. According to the report, China’s betrayal of its close ally came after documents, reportedly seized from Iranian officials [Green Salt Project], were shown to China and IAEA officials indicated that Iran had the blueprints for converting uranium metal into warheads. The documents also included the blueprints for testing of high explosive used to detonate radioactive materials.

Diplomats told The Daily Telegraph that the documents triggered China’s change of heart and it decided to provide IAEA with the intelligence related to Iran’s nuclear program. This could be a significant development.

CIA Director Michael Hayden said this week that he believed that Iran is still developing a nuclear bomb.

Meanwhile, Israel has issued gas masks to its citizens in anticipation of possible military confrontation with Iran.

Update: AP was the original source of the news story on China’s providing UN with Iran’s nuclear secrets. Two senior diplomats associated with IAEA investigation of Iran's nuclear program told AP that China gave information about Iran to IAEA.


  1. It seems that China has the economic interest to do this and certainly the means.

    On a somewhat related note, I saw this in an article from The Australian newspaper a few months ago: "Haaretz reported yesterday that straw companies set up by Western intelligence bodies had succeeded in supplying Iran's nuclear program with defective equipment that has caused centrifuges being used to enrich uranium to collapse or explode."

    If true, this is absolutely brilliant. But, does this sound believable? Or is it consistent with anything that you've read about Iran's program?

  2. Joseph, thanks so much for the article. The news has been circulating around for sometime now, I am not sure either as to the accuracy of the report, although it is plausible.

  3. I probably need a clarification:
    who is AP?

  4. AP is the Associated Press news agency.
